Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Diva DIY - 5/24/11

One thing I love to do is turn junk into fashion, and thanks to ISLY, I've found a new way to tear up my old t-shirts into something bohemian and fun! Check out the tutorial to make a braided necklace of your own here!

I used a medium white graphic shirt to make a necklace, and just for fun, a bracelet! I did the bracelet using the same instructions, but I used only three strips of fabric (one was the green trim of the sleeve), and when I braided it, I doubled it over so it would be snug on my wrist. Then I just wrapped another piece of fabric around them both to secure it in place and sewed it together. Took me less than fifteen minutes!

So here's the bracelet:

For the necklace, I pretty much just followed the instructions exactly:

I definitely say if you have time, and some t-shirts you don't mind cutting up, try doing this!

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